Thursday 16 October 2014

Texas Sage

Texas Sage is a hardy shrub that doesn’t require much watering, trimming or tending generally, so long as it is sheltered from the wind. Every so often you will be rewarded with a stunning display of tiny purple flowers.

Texas Sage has tiny grey leaves not unlike those of Silver Dollar, just much much smaller, and they make good borders or small hedges, but the one shown here has been allowed to grow unrestricted.

The flowering stage is over in a few days, but I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time to see this spectacle. A covering of purple flowers seemingly draped over the grey bush.

Blight is the only thing that may cause this shrub to falter. The one pictured here is in a very windy location but is completely sheltered by a building, otherwise it is exposed to a dry and salty environment.

Absolutely spectacular.

If you’d like to read more about Barbados, please visit my other blog, Things Barbados.

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