Friday, 26 July 2013

Red Berry Palm

As we all know, there are literally thousands of different palms found all over the world, and there are probably hundreds of varieties in Barbados and the Caribbean. I’m not sure of the name of the one pictured here, (I’ve used Red Berry Palm because the berries are red) but what I really like about this palm are the bunches of vibrant red fruit. They are so striking and colourful. And some birds like these fruits a whole lot too, eating the thin skins and leaving a carpet of large seeds on the ground.

The bunch of red fruit shown here are the ripe version of the green bunch in the photo above. The photos were taken a couple of months apart. This particular type of palm also tends to be a shorter and more slow growing variety, which is how come I was able to get these pictures without having to stand on a ladder.

These palms are found in gardens all over Barbados, although I know some people don’t like them because of the mess left on the ground by birds that are feeding on the fruit. Each berry is about the size of a large olive, and is mainly seed with a thin skin. My home came with a different variety of palm which I’ll write about in a later post.

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