Tuesday 12 November 2013

The Dry Season is Upon Us

Yes, that’s right, even though it’s only November, the dry season is very much upon us. Bushy areas have started to thin out (which is a good thing) and trees have started to lose their leaves.

This is at least a month earlier than usual so quite noticeable. I wonder what effect it will have on things like poinsettia and snow-on-the-mountain that usually turn colour for Christmas. Though I realise that the colour change is mainly dependent upon the number of daylight hours, I have to wonder what difference it will make with less water for our vegetation.

Dry season also means that mice will be more inclined to come out the fields and into homes looking for food and water, ants and other insects will also find their way indoors in their search for sustenance.

The nice part is that the breeze is usually stronger (as it is now - also earlier than usual) and therefore the days are cooler. The flora and fauna of the island change - plants tend to flower, many lose their leaves and animals come closer to homes in their search for food and water. Another part of the annual cycle.

If you’d like to read more about Barbados, please visit my other blog, Things Barbados.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting changes and yes, the weather has at least got a bit cooler now!
