Friday, 19 September 2014

So Many Butterflies!

There is an abundance of butterflies all over Barbados right now. So many in fact, that people are actually talking about it. The official reason is that because there is so much more bush around the island and less agricultural crops, that the butterflies that thrive on wild vegetation have exploded. Makes sense.

It seems to be mainly the Cabbage White, a similar sized yellow butterfly and a bigger orange one similar in appearance to a Monarch. But I’ve also seen some tiny little yellow ones and a bunch of others that I can’t identify. As one would expect with a lot of butterflies, there’s also a lot of moths around too. It’s kind of cool.

We’ve always had butterflies, but just a few. Now, if you go outside, there are clouds of them, literally. It’s quite spectacular. Hope you can spot the one in the photo.

If you’d like to read more about Barbados, please visit my other blog, Things Barbados.