I’ve seen lots of soldier crabs recently, all with regular discarded crab shells of various sizes, colors and shapes as their “home”, but a few days ago, I saw one wearing a shell that topped the lot.
I was putting out food for the tortoises, which the soldier crabs and red crabs share, when I saw a large “snail” walking around. I had to do a double take as this shell was just not moving like a snail. Then I realized that the giant african snail shell was occupied by a large soldier crab. How cool is that!
I watched for a while before proceeding with my other chores, and so sorry folks, but I didn’t have my camera with me … as seems to happen when I see the really cool stuff.
I know soldier crabs will inhabit all kinds of different things as their mobile home, but this was definitely a first for anything other than a snail occupying a giant african snail shell. A much better use that sitting empty and collecting water in which mosquitos can breed.
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